Happy Holidays: MarcEdit Update

Over the past few years, holiday updates have become a part of a MarcEdit tradition.  This year, I’ve been spending the past month working on two significant set of changes.  On the Windows side, I’ve been working on enhancing the Linked Data tools, profiling more fields and more services.  This update represents a first step in the process — as I’ll be working with the PCC to profile additional services and add new elements as we work through a pilot test around embedding linked data into MARC records and potential implications.  For a full change list, please see: https://blog.reeset.net/archives/1822

The Mac version has seen a lot of changes — and because of that, I’ve moved the version number from 1.3.35 to 1.4.5.  In addition to all the infrastructure changes made within the Windows/Linux program (the tools share a lot of code), I’ve also done significant work exposing preferences and re-enabling the ILS Integration.  I didn’t get to test the ILS integration well — so there may be a few updates to correct problems once people start working with them — but getting to this point took a lot of work and I’m glad to see it through.  For a full list of updates on the Mac Version, please see: https://blog.reeset.net/archives/1824

Before Christmas, I’d mentioned that I was working on three projects — with the idea that all would be ready by the time these updates were complete.  I was wrong — so it looks like I’ll have one more Christmas/New Years gift left to give — and I’ll be trying to wrap that work up this week.

Downloads — you can pick up the new downloads at: http://marcedit.reeset.net/downloads or if you have the automatic update notification enabled, the tool should provide you with an option to update from within the program.

This represents a lot of work, and a lot of changes.  I’ve tested to the best of my ability — but I’m expecting that I may have missed something.  If you find something, let me know.  I’m saving time over the next couple weeks to fix problems that might come up and turn around builds faster than normal.

Here’s looking forward to a wonderful 2016.




