MarcEdit 7: MARC Tools Wireframe

The changes aren’t big — they are really designed to make the form a little more compact and add common topics to the screen.  The big changes are related to integrations.  In MarcEdit 6.x, when you run across an error, you have to open the validator, pick the correct validation option, etc.  This won’t be the case any longer.  When the tool determines that the problem may be related to the record structure — it will just offer you option to check for errors in your file…no opening the validator, not picking options.  This should make it easier get immediate feedback regarding any structural processing errors that the tool may run up against.

MARC Tools Window Wireframe #1:


The second write frame collapses the list into an autocomplete/autosuggest options, moves data around and demonstrates some of the potential integration options.  I like this one as well — though I’m not sure if having the items in a dropdownlist with autocomplete would be more difficult to use than the current dropdown list.  I also use this as an opportunity to get ride of the Input File and Output file labels.  I’m not sure these are always necessary, and I honestly hate seeing them.  But I know that iconography maybe isn’t the best way to express meeting.  I think attaching tooltips to each button and textbox might allow me to finally let these labels go.

MARC Tools Wireframe #2:



Based on feedback, it sounds like the labels are still desired.  So here is wireframe #3 with a slight modification to allow for labels in the window.

MARC Tools Wireframe #3:





