MarcEdit 5.0 beta bugs

Couple of bugs worth noting in the MarcEdit 5.0 beta (updated July 14th).
1) When a left bracket ({) is encountered in its mnemonic form — the mnemonic reader doesn’t reposition itself correctly to read the rest of the line. This will cause the engine to stop unexpectedly.
2) Delimited Text Translator appears to have been left out of the installation.

I’ll be refreshing the build tonight — I’ll correct the two noted errors above as well as finishing the MARC Tools window by connecting the UTF-8 to MARC-8 conversion to the MARCXML=>MARC translation, in addition to a few other changes. Also, the Z39.50 client should be making an appearance this week or next. I have a working version right now an am starting to work on adding support for OpenSearch, SRU and OAI harvesting (though when it is first included in the beta build, it may just include the Z39.50 functionality).



