LibraryFind updates

Jeremy apparently did a podcast at CNI ( where he discussed some of the work being done on LibraryFind.  One thing that’s he’s particularly happy about is what he’s calling the “look ahead” feature in LibraryFind.  Essentially, LibraryFind is both an OpenURL server and client allowing it to “look ahead” and resolve all citations before display.  This of course goes beyond simple OpenURL resolution (which is dependant on correct holdings data) — but actually resolves the links using OpenURL, DOI resolution, etc. to determine if the link is indeed reachable by the user.  A nifty feature for sure — though I’ll admit, I’m most pleased with the catching features in LibraryFind at this moment.  I’ll be curious to see if they are as effective as we see in testing — but I’m hopeful.

For those interested, I’ll be giving a 20 minute talk at this year’s code4lib about LibraryFind and possibly some of the experimentation that I’m doing at this point with the different LibraryFind tools.





