Chilly in Rochester

So I spent a rather nippy night last night hanging out in Rochester, NY.  I’m in town for the next few days with a number of other (maybe 30) folks to talk about (and learn about) the University of Rochester’s XC (eXtensible Catalog) project. 

Funny, the day started out oddly.  While driving to Portland to catch my flight — all the lights on the interior of the car when out (speedometer, etc).  Fortunately, my headlights didn’t go out — but for about 60 miles on the freeway, I drove by penlight so I could see how fast I was going.  Not an auspicious start — but the only hitch I experienced getting to Rochester.  Once here — I found it to be cold and snowy.  The snowy I loved.  Spent some time romping around the snow before making my way to the Eastman mansion for a tour and dinner.  Afterwards, a group of us walked the 5 blocks back (much colder) and then stayed up much too late (6 am [or 3 am my time] comes awful early in the morning).

And it did come early.  I got up this morning (Friday) and found that it had snowed a bit last night, which was great.  I bundled up and took a 2 mile run to get the blood going (and wake up) and had a great time cutting new tracks in the snow.

I’ll post some about the meeting later tonight (or tomorrow).




