Securing licenses

Kind of off topic  — but I had to make a trip to the dmv this morning.  I’ve been finding that airports, rental car agencies, etc. are having a difficult time accepting my current license because much of the information on it has been smeared or damaged due to water (I have on older license that was renewed about 8 years ago).  Anyway, this came to a head when I was at ALA in Philly and the airport folks were not thrilled with letting me pass threw security with my current license. 

Anyway, I was curious as to what I’d need to bring to renew my license.  Oregon is one of the many states that has recently moved to make getting a license more difficult.  So, I brought my Passport and a few other things and found getting my license renewed to be easy enough.  However, after getting my picture taken and info updated, I didn’t get a license.  I got a piece of paper that is noted as an interm license.  Given the current frenzy around securing state licenses — it seems odd that in Oregon, and interm license is simply a slip of paper that has no security information at all, easily reproducible (and modified) with a scanner and laser printer.  This certainly makes me feel much more secure.




