
So, I’ve been a little neglectful keeping up with the blogging due to a number of other outside activities.  Over the past couple of months, I’ve done a good deal of writing and publishing.  In order, I’ve had the following articles published:

Reese, T. (2009, April). Automated Metadata Harvesting: Low-Barrier MARC Record Generation from OAI-PMH Repository Stores Using MarcEdit. Library Resources & Technical Services, 53(2), 121-134. Retrieved May 26, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database.

ReadEx Newsletter
Reese, T.  (2009, April).  How Libraries Can Win in Today’s Web 2.0  Environment.  Readex eNewsletter, 4(2).  Retrieved May 26, 2009, from http://www.newsbank.com/readex/newsletter.cfm?newsletter=237

Reese, T.  (2009, Spring).   LibraryFindâ„¢:  The Development of a Shared  Library Platform at  Oregon State University Libraries.  OLA Quarterly, 15(1), 17-19.  Retrieved May 26, 2009, from http://data.memberclicks.com/site/ola/olaq_15no1.pdf

Coming: Article in the OSU Messenger

I’ve also been doing a bit of grant writing, helping the OSU libraries sheppard two grants (one an LSTA grant and one a joint NSF grant with MIT, Georgia Tech and Rice University) through the writing and submission process and a little outside consulting, including putting on a handful of MarcEdit workshops this spring/summer.

And finally, I’d mentioned this on facebook, but this month I was notified this month that I have successfully navigated the promotion and tenure process here at OSU, meaning that in July, I’ve joined the ranks of the tenured academic community.  It represents a lot of work by many — especially my wife who sacrificed much in terms of time and patience.  







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