MarcEdit 5.2 Update

Hi all,

I have just uploaded a new version of MarcEdit to the website.  This version specifically addresses two bugs and introduces the Task Automation function into the application. 

Bug Fixes:

  • Changes not saved in the MarcEditor:
    Under certain conditions, MarcEdit would lose track of changes made within the program.  This occurred primarily after changes had been made and then the Find All Function was used.  This has been corrected as of this version.
  • Save As…file not found error:
    When using Save As to Save data, MarcEdit would throw an error if the file being saved did not previously exist.  This has been corrected as of this version.
  • Invalid prompts to save a file before closing:
    MarcEdit tended to error on the side of always asking users to save their data before closing.   However, even if a user had saved their data, the message may still have popped up.  This has been corrected as of this version.
  • Find/Replace — replacing without using Match Case:
    While it is always recommended when doing global replacements to do them using the Match Case option — prior to this version, unchecking the match case option would cause the replacement to take too many characters.  This has been corrected as of this version.


  • Task Automation tool:
    The task automation tool is a recorder that allows users chain together replacement functions.  Sadly, I haven’t been able to add information to the help file, however, I did record the following video tutorial to provide some initial background to get started using the function.  One quick note — this is a new tool so when using it, please verify changes.  Moreover, feedback is definitely appreciated.
    Video Tutorial:

You can download the updated version of MarcEdit at: MarcEdit_Setup.msi or the Linux/Mac/Other version build at:




