Day: March 23, 2006

  • Google Chat

    Just a few random thoughts about Google Chat.  Since use my Gmail account for quite a bit of communication, I find that I’m nearly always logged in.  Well, because of that, I use Google’s Chat a lot.  Generally, in other chat clients, I tend to never log my conversations — but just today, I was…

  • Metadata Translation Web service

    I’m starting to work on a new webservice to run on one of our Unix boxes (thank you MONO).  Essentially, I’m looking to create a webservice that will be accessible via a WSDL file.  Basically, this will let any pipe files to this webservice and allow them to translate metadata into or out of any…

  • Metasearch work

    Whew! It’s been a while since my last post. Busy, busy, busy. Well, I’ve got a few posts I’d like to make tonight, so lets start with OSU’s Metasearch development. I’ve been busy. New API for doing inline filtering, adding new metadata formats and then building sample XSLT transform types for our UI folks so…