Category: character encodings

  • MarcEdit Unicode Question [also posted on the listserv]

    ** This was posted on the listserv, but I’m putting this out there broadly ** ** Updated to include a video demonstrating how Normalization currently impacts users ** Video demonstrating the question at hand:   So, I have an odd unicode question and I’m looking for some feedback.  I had someone working with MarcEdit and…

  • MarcEditor Changes and Right-to-left displays

    So, this was a tough one.  MarcEdit has a right-to-left data entry mode that was created primary for users that are creating bibliographic records primarily in a right to left language.  But what happens when you are mixing data in a record from left-to-right languages like English and Right-to-left languages, like Hebrew.  Well, in the…

  • MarcEdit: Thinking about Charactersets and MARC

    The topic of charactersets is likely something most North American catalogers rarely give a second thought to.  Our tools, systems — they all are built around a very anglo-centric world-view that assumes data is primarily structured in MARC21, and recorded in either MARC-8 or UTF8.  However, when you get outside of North America, the question…