Category: code

  • MarcEdit Plugin Development: Using late binding to reference functions

    In MarcEdit, plugins provide a way to extend the application’s functionality.  However, there are a couple of best practices that developers working with MarcEdit should generally follow if working with C#/.NET. Only create a Reference to the MacroInterfaces.dll.  I rarely change this file.  This is important.  I strongly name and sign all libraries, so any…

  • Fonts, Font-sizes and the MacOS

    So, one of the questions I’ve occasionally been getting from Mac users is that they would really like the ability to shift the font and font sizes of the programs’ interface.  If you’ve used the Windows version of MarcEdit, this has been available for some time, but I’ve not put it into the Mac version…

  • Working with the Clipboard on OSX

    Coming from the Windows and Linux world — the object where data is copy and pasted from is called the Clipboard.  Not so in OSX.  In OSX, this is referred to as the NSPasteBoard.  Should you need to get string data on and off of it – use the following:   private static string[] pboardTypes…