Category: Travel

  • How they see us

    After a long day of flying, I got to Philly about an hour late (thanks to some snow at the St. Paul airport) and found taxis to be in short supply.  So, I hired a driver and on the drive over, had a great conversation.  My favorite part came when we chatted about our days. …

  • Travel fun

    I’ve been fortunate to get to spend the last few days in the beautiful state of Vermont.  This isn’t my first time here, nor do I think it will be my last.  I’ve been here since Friday…visiting friends in Middlebury, though I will find some time the first week of Oct. to do a little…

  • Can the open source community help the ILS matter?

    So, let’s start out with a preface to my comments here.  First, it’s a little on the long side.  Sorry.  I got a bit wordy and occasionally wonder a little bit here and there :).  Second — these reflect my opinions and observations.  So with that out of the way…  This question comes from two experiences…

  • Chilly in Rochester

    So I spent a rather nippy night last night hanging out in Rochester, NY.  I’m in town for the next few days with a number of other (maybe 30) folks to talk about (and learn about) the University of Rochester’s XC (eXtensible Catalog) project.  Funny, the day started out oddly.  While driving to Portland to…

  • Fun at the space needle

    III had their ALA get together at the Space Needle.  It’s a very cool place and they had my usual favorites — the chocolate fountain with chocolate covered strawberries.  Actually, the strawberries were covered in white and dark chocolate — with the strawberries looking like they are wearing tuxedos (I loved it).  And they had…

  • Lost in Airport hell

    I spend the weekend in DC as a panelist for an NEH grant.  It was a very interesting experience.  Having never been on an NEH grant panel before, I was somewhat amazed by the tremendous number of high quality research project currently being undertaken in the humanities.  If this is a representative sample of the…