Bye, bye daddy

What a kick. Its been a long time since my oldest son (4) started to learn how to talk. Kenny, my oldest, was an early talker — which we figured meant that he had a lot of different stuff say. Well, Nathan (10 months) has finally taken an interest in trying to express himself. He’s been able to say momma and dadda for quite some time — but very recently, he’s added babba (bottle), bweeze (please) and as of yesterday, bye, bye. The last one is hillarious. He’ll sit on the floor, watching his hand as he waves to himself saying, bye bye. I got a great laugh. But I think this is just the calm before the storm. He’s very animated and right now seems very determined to let us know what he’s thinking. I’m sure its only a matter of time before Kenny and Nathan will be able to talk to each other and start plotting against us :).

On an unrelated note, I know that NASA has at least one new fan — Kenny has been playing space ship and waiting patiently for the Discovery space launch. He was almost in tears the last time that they scrubbed the mission. Hopefully this time he’ll get to watch the shuttle take off.



