New Nathan news

My wife sent out a message to family — so I thought I’d repost it here.  You get enough of me talking about my boys, so I’ll give this update in her words…

Hi,Just a fun little update on Nathan. He is about 17 months old now and he has really taken a liking to books lately and pretty much takes them everywhere with him. He has figured out how to push his walker toy while holding a book open over the top of the handlebar – which is very cute.

Also, today he was being very quiet while I was cleaning the kitchen so I went looking for him and found him in the closet leaning back on a sleeping bag with his feet propped up on the shoe rack “reading” his baby board book.

It was so cute! Like something out of a magazine. To my dismay I couldn’t get a picture of it. Kenny had used all the film on our disposable camera when I wasn’t paying attention. And our digital has dead batteries. I keep telling myself every day to charge those batteries. Guess I’ll have to do that now. 🙂

He’s learning to talk a lot right now and he’s been saying a lot of cute phrases. I’m not sure if he meant what he was saying, but yesterday when a toy wasn’t working he said, “It’s outta juice!” He knows how to say “It’s”

very well, as in “It’s a car”, “it’s a cup”, etc. He calls shoes “Zoos” He’s really starting to put together all the babbling and actually make sense about half the time now. My personal favorite though is when he says, “I love” and then gives you a hug. That’s the best. Of course the other day I said, “I love you Nathan.” And he ran to the other side of the room, picked up his favorite stuffed animal and said, “I love Ruff-Ruff.” That made me laugh.

Ok, gotta go get some coffee. Talk to you all later.




