This update is coming a little later than I’d hoped, but I’ve been busying myself with a couple of projects that have been consuming some of my off hours. Today’s update deals with a handful of issues, as well as provides some new functionality.
- Bug Fix: Edit Field Function: Field recursion switch (/r) was broken in the last update. This has been corrected.
- Enhancement: Edit Field Function: LDR editing support has been added to the function.
- Enhancement: MarcEditor: Keyboard shortcut for jump to page and jump to records have been added.
- Enhancement: RDA Helper: Added a new option to the 260/264 translation that enables users to always utilize a copyright or phonograph symbol.
- Enhancement: RDA Helper: Updated the RDA Helper to support the manufacturer or distributor subfields. When the program encounters these in the 260, the appropriate 264 with second indicator 2 or 3 will be created.
- Enhancement: RDA Helper: The new option has been added to the task list.
- Enhancement: Linked Records Tool: I’ve added a new option to the Linked Records to allowing the program to embed $0 links to VIAF.
- Enhancement: MARCSplit: The save directory now automatically sets to the desktop rather than the root drive.
You can get the updates via MarcEdit’s automated update tool or at: