MarcEdit 6 Update (10/6/2014)

I sent this note to the MarcEdit listserv late last night, early this morning, but forgot to post here.  Over the weekend, the Ohio State University Libraries hosted our second annual hackaton on the campus.  It’s been a great event, and this year, I had one of the early morning shifts (12 am-5 am) so I decided to use the time to do a little hacking myself.  Here’s a list of the changes:

  • Bug Fix: Merge Records Function: When processing using the control number option (or MARC21 primarily utilizing control numbers for matching) the program could merge incorrect data if large numbers of merged records existed without the data specified to be merged.  The tool would pull data from the previous record used and add that data to the matches.  This has been corrected.
  • Bug Fix: Network Task Directory — this tool was always envisioned as a tool that individuals would point to when an existing folder existed.  However, if the folder doesn’t exist prior to pointing to the location, the tool wouldn’t index new tasks.  This has been fixed.
  • Bug Fix: Task Manager (Importing new tasks) — When tasks were imported with multiple referenced task lists, the list could be unassociated from the master task.  This has been corrected.
  • Bug Fix:  If the plugins folder doesn’t exist, the current Plugin Manager doesn’t create one when adding new plugins.  This has been corrected.
  • Bug Fix: MarcValidator UI issue:  When resizing the form, the clipboard link wouldn’t move appropriately.  This has been fixed.
  • Bug Fix: Build Links Tool — relator terms in the 1xx and 7xx field were causing problems.  This has been corrected.
  • Bug Fix: RDA Helper: When parsing 260 fields with multiple copyright dates, the process would only handle one of the dates.  The process has been updated to handle all copyright values embedded in the 260$c.
  • Bug Fix: SQL Explorer:  The last build introduced a regression error so that when using the non-expanded SQL table schema, the program would crash.  This has been corrected.
  • Enhancement:  SQL Explorer expanded schema has been enhanced to include a column id to help track column value relationships.
  • Enhancement: Z39.50 Cataloging within the MarcEditor — when selecting the Z39.50/SRU Client, the program now seemlessly allows users to search using the Z39.50 client and automatically load the results directly into the open MarcEditor window.

Two other specific notes.  First, a few folks on the listserv have noted trouble getting MarcEdit to run on a Mac.  The issue appears to be MONO related.  Version 3.8.0 appears to have neglected to include a file in the build (which caused GUI operations to fail), and 3.10.0 brings the file back, but there was a build error with the component so the issue continues.  The problems are noted in their release notes as known issues and the bug tracker seems to suggest that this has been corrected in the alpha channels, but that doesn’t help anyone right now.  So, I’ve updated the Mac instruction to include a link to MONO 3.6.0, the last version tested as a stand alone install that I know works.  From now on, I will include the latest MONO version tested, and a link to the runtime to hopefully avoid this type of confusion in the future.

Second — I’ve created a nifty plugin related to the LibHub project.  I’ve done a little video recording and will be making that available shortly.  Right now, I’m waiting on some feedback.  The plugin will be initially released to LibHub partners to provide a way for them to move any data into the project for evaluation — but hopefully in time, it will be able to be more made more widely available.

Updates can be downloaded automatically via MarcEdit, or can be found at:

Please remember, if you are running a very old copy of MarcEdit 5.8 or lower, it is best practice to uninstall the application prior to installing 6.0.





