List of changes below:
** Bug Fix: Delimited Text Translator: Constant data, when used on a field that doesn’t exist, is not applied. This has been corrected.
** Bug Fix: Swap Field Function: Swapping control field data (fields below 010) using position + length syntax (example 35:3 to take 3 bytes, starting at position 35) not functioning. This has been corrected.
** Enhancement: RDA Helper: Checked options are now remembered.
** Bug Fix: RDA Helper: Abbreviation Expansion timing was moved in the last update. Moved back to ensure expansion happens prior to data being converted.
** Enhancement: Validator error message refinement.
** Enhancement: RDA Helper Abbreviation Mapping table was updated.
** Enhancement: MarcEditor Print Records Per Page — program will print one bib record (or bib record + holdings records + authority records) per page.
** Bug Fix: Preferences Window: If MarcEdit attempts to process a font that isn’t compatible, then an error may be thrown. A new error trap has been added to prevent this error.
You can get the new download either through MarcEdit’s automatic update tool, or by downloading the program directly from: