MarcEdit Update

I posted a small MarcEdit Update for Linux/Windows users that corrects some file path issues on linux and corrects a problem introduced in doing unicode character replacement in the 260/264 process of the RDA Helper.  You can get the update from the downloads page or via the automated updates.

I also wanted to take this as a time to make a quick reminder to something because it was something that came up during my testing.  I test on a wide range of VMs when I push an update.  This doesn’t mean that I catch everything, but it means that I do endeavor to try and minimize the problems that can occur due to the Windows Installer (and there are many).  On one of my Windows 10 VMS, and update that touched the .NET framework somehow invalidated the MarcEdit install.  When this happens, you have a couple options.  The one I recommend —

1) Uninstall MarcEdit completely.  This includes going to the Program Directory and Deleting the MarcEdit program directory.  The Windows Installer does various types of black magic, and the only way to make sure that this goes away is to get rid of the directory.

2) if you cannot uninstall the program (said Windows Installer black magic has gone haywire) — there is a program called the msicleaner on the MarcEdit downloads page.  Download that, run it as an administrator — and then go to the Program Directory and delete the MarcEdit program directory.  Then reinstall.  Again, the msi installer with unstuck the Windows Installer — but removing the contents of the directory will prevent future black magic chicanery. 

Again — this showed up on 1 on the 12 or 15 VMs I test on — but since it showed up after an update, its hard to know if this is something that will affect others.  Given that — I thought this would be a good time to remind users of how to overcome issues with the Windows Installer when/if they occur.





