The following updates have been made to all versions of MarcEdit:
MarcEdit MacOS:
** 1.9.20
* Update: Linked Data Rules File: Rules file updated to add databases for the Japanese Diet library, 880 field processing, and the German National Library.
* Enhancement: Task Manager: Added a new macro/delimiter. {current_file} will print the current filename if set.
* Enhancement: Task Manager: Added a new macro/delimiter. {current_filename} will print the current filename if set.
* Bug Fix: RDA Helper: Abbreviation expansion is failing to process specific fields when config file is changed.
* Bug Fix: MSXML Engine: In an effort to allow the xsl:strip-whitespace element, I broke this process. The work around has been to use the engine. However, I’ll correct this. Information on how you emulate the xsl:strip-whitespace element will be here:
* Bug Fix/Enhancement: Open Refine Import: OpenRefine’s release candidate changes the tab delimited output slightly. I’ve added some code to accommodate the changes.
* Enhancement: MarcEdit Linked Data Platform: adding enhancements to make it easier to add collections and update the rules file
* Enhancement: MarcEdit Linked Data Platform: updating the rules file to include a number of new endpoints
* Enhancement: MarcEdit Linked Data Platform: adding new functionality to the rules file to support the recoding of the rules file for UNIMARC.
* Enhancement: Edit Shortcut: Adding a new edit short cut to find fields missing words
* Enhancement: OCLC API Integration: added code to integrate with the validation. Not sure this makes its way into the interface yet, but code will be there.
* Enhancement: Saxon.NET version bump
* Enhancement: Autosave option when working in the MarcEditor. Saves every 5 minutes. Will protect against crashes.
* Enhancement: MarcEditor: Remove Blank Lines function
MarcEdit Windows/Linux:
* Enhancement: MarcEditor: Remove Blank Lines
* Bug Fix: COM Object — updating array signature
* Update: Automatic Updater: Due to a change in my webhost, automatic updating stopped working. That should be corrected after this update is applied.
The Windows update includes fixes to the Automated Update mechanism caused due to my webhost making some unannounced changes. User will likely need to manually download the update from: Following this update, this shouldn’t be necessary any longer.