Its been a little bit since I updated folks on our metasearch development. I’m including a current screenshot that shows the current look with a new function — inline OpenURL resolution. As users scroll over the Find in library link, they see the openURL items show up directly in their window.
So what’s been worked on since the last time I posted. Well, let’s see if I can remember it all:
UI Developments:
- Sorting by date
- Image previewing (
) At this point, this is just an example. I realize Jeremy would like to see just metadata here — but I’d like to see us do some image scaling to provide a real preview of the item.
- Email results: Results are now emailed in APA citation format.
- Within the Catalog query (books and more) the primary call number is being displayed (wasn’t before)
- More space has been claimed on the page for layout (has made this much cleaner)
- Database errors are now noted by a dandy icon that informs users without breaking the layout of a problem with the ability to requery if they need to.
API Developments:
- Caching has been completed. The 3 tier caching system is now fully implemented. Now we see if the underlying concept is good.
- boolean queries supported.
- mysql query caching enabled.
- Spellchecking and suggestions have been created (but not enabled yet). I’ve got examples using both Aspell and Google — I think we’ll end up using Aspell, but we’ll see.
- SRU support tested
- MARCXML support tested and being used for our catalog.
Right now I’m working on bookmarking. I’m not sure at what point Jeremy will turn us loose to start building some simple personal digital library components, but getting the bookmarking setup (which will lead to rss) will get us moving in that direction.