I spent sometime this week working on a few updates for MarcEdit 6.3. Full change log below (for all versions).
* Bug Fix: MarcEditor: When processing data with right to left characters, the embedded markers were getting flagged by the validator.
* Bug Fix: MarcEditor: When processing data with right to left characters, I’ve heard that there have been some occasions when the markers are making it into the binary files (they shouldn’t). I can’t recreate it, but I’ve strengthen the filters to make sure that these markers are removed when the mnemonic file format is saved.
* Bug Fix: Linked data tool: When creating VIAF entries in the $0, the subfield code can be dropped. This was missed because viaf should no longer be added to the $0, so I assumed this was no longer a valid use case. However local practice in some places is overriding best practice. This has been fixed.
A note on the MarcEditor changes. The processing of right to left characters is something I was aware of in regards to the validator — but in all my testing and unit tests, the data was always filtered prior to compiling the data. These markers that are inserted are for display, as noted here: https://blog.reeset.net/archives/2103. However, on the pymarc list, there was apparently an instance where these markers slipped through. The conversation can be found here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/pymarc/5zxuOh0fVuc. I posted a long response on the list, but I think i t’s being held in moderation (I’m a new member to the list), but generally, here’s what I found. I can’t recreate it, but I have updated the code to ensure that this shouldn’t happen. Once a mnemonic file is saved (and that happens prior to compiling), these markers are removed from the file. I guess if you find this isn’t the case, let me know. I can add the filter down into the MARCEngine level, but I’d rather not, as there are cases where these values may be present (legally)…this is why the filtering happens in the Editor, where it can assess their use and if the markers are present already, determine if they are used correctly.
Downloads can be picked up through the automated update tool, or via http://marcedit.reeset.net/downloads.