I hope that this note finds everyone in good spirits. We are in the mist of the holiday season and I hope that everyone that this reaches has had a happy one. If you are like me, the past couple of days have been spent clean up. There are boxes to put away, trees to un-trim, decorations to store away for another year. But one thing has been missing, and that has been my annual Christmas eve update. Hopefully, folks won’t mind it being a little belated this year.
The update includes a number of updates — I posted about the most interesting (I think) here: https://blog.reeset.net/archives/2493, but the full changelog is below:
- Enhancement: Clustering Tools: Added the ability to extract records via the clustering tooling
- Enhancement: Clustering Tools: Added the ability to search within clusters
- Enhancement: Linux Build created
- Bug Fix: Clustering Tools: Numbering at the top wasn’t always correct
- Bug Fix: Task Manager: Processing number count wouldn’t reset when run
- Enhancement: Task Broker: Various updates to improve performance and address some outlier formats
- Bug Fix: Find/Replace Task Processing: Task Editor was incorrectly always check the conditional option. This shouldn’t affect run, but it was messy.
- Enhancement: Copy Field: Added a new field feature
- Enhancement: Startup Wizard — added tools to simplify migration of data from MarcEdit 6 to MarcEdit 7
One thing I specifically want to highlight, and that is the presence of a Linux build. I’ve posted a quick video documenting the installation process at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfoSt0ll8S0. The MarcEdit 7 Linux build is much more self-contained than previous versions, something I’m hoping to do with the MacOS build as well. I’ll tell folks upfront, there are some UI issues with the Linux version — but I’ll keep working to resolve them. However, I’ve had a few folks asking about the tool, so I wanted to make it ready and available.
Throughout this week, I’ll be working on updating the MacOS build (I’ve fallen a little behind, this build may take an extra week to complete (I was targeting Jan. 1, it might slip a few days past) and I’ll say that functionality, I think folks will be happy as it fills in a number of gaps while still integrating the new MarcEdit 7 functionality (including the new clustering tools).
As always, if you have questions, please let me know. Otherwise, I’d like to wish everyone a Happy New Year, filled with joy, love, friendship, and success.