Extra, extra…LibraryFind kicks MetaFind’s, um, bottom

Actually, that’s probably a bit overstating it and its still fairly early, but with MetaFind over the past year, our average search stats on a good day was about 70 searches.  Since Friday (include the weekend) with no publicity and a soft launch — we’ve had 798 cached results and ~1200 searches.  I’m hoping that these numbers actually increase quite a bit.  Looking at our OPAC, we receive ~8000 searches a day on our OPAC and I want all of them.  I’m hoping that by the end of the fall term, we’ll be handling over 1/2 the searches being done in the library on LibraryFind — though I have a feeling that a more realistic number may be a 1/4 to a 1/3.  We’ll see.  Hopefully the additional searching hasn’t been just curiosity over a new service.  I’ve also only seen 4 target errors (each one was our ILS) and have actually received a little bit of unsolicited and positive feedback from folks here at the IUG conference as news of our release has filtered out.





