Linked Data Updates in MarcEdit 7

If you use MarcEdit’s linked data tooling (or are interested in using it) — a couple notes about updates planned for this week.  I’ve been making some targeted changes to improve performance, expanding the number of defined collections, and have been looking at the rules file to see if I could shift it from XML to YAML to make it easier to use with other languages (because why should we all have to recreate this work).  Here’s the changes that will roll out this week (likely across two updates):

  1. Thread Pool is increasing from 3 — 8.  This will improve speed of processing
  2. I’ve changed how the tool interacts with VIAF.  VIAF processing now happens via json not XML.
  3. I’ve also updated VIAF so that the tool can resolve names a little better.  Prior, unless the name was marked as the official main entry — it wouldn’t resolve.  I’m using a different index so that any version of a name, from any language will generate the URI.
  4. I’ve also added profiles for every collection found in the PCC’s guide to creating URIs document.  If the service has an API and can be represented either as a defined index (in a $2) or as a local index, it will be accommodated.   This means that items on that list that don’t have APIs or honestly have no business being put in MARC records (because of lack of API, open data, or license) won’t be included.  At some point, I’d like to update the PCC document so that developers have the information they to code reconciliation processes.
  5. I’ll be removing the VIAF UI elements in the Linked Data tool as these configurations should be handled via the rules file.
  6. Work URIs are moving from a UI element that is hard coded to a rules file element (for flexibility)
  7. Right now, the rules file is coded in XML — I’m experimenting with shifting the format for MarcEdit 7 to support either xml or YAML.  I like the idea of using YAML, as it makes it easier for other languages to utilize.
  8. Rules file is going up on GitHub.  I’d like to encourage folks to not have to recreate this work over and over again.


These changes will come out in two releases.  The first will be tonight (4/24), the second, likely on Thursday or Friday.




