MarcEdit 7 Update

I’ve worked on a significant update that is including a chance to the installer (significant changes) necessitating a change in version number to 7.2.x.  Changes below.

Proxy Changes

I’ve had some requests to allow proxy use with a handful of specific tools.  These have been added to the OAI Harvester, the Z39.50/SRU Tool, and the Alma Integration.

OAI Harvester

Z39.50/SRU Options

Alma Proxy Integration

New Automation Settings

I periodically have need to pull more advanced programming resources into a process.  To address this, I added a new tool that allows me to integrate powershell scripts into the MarcEditor.  For example, here’s a script that will read a file, download data from a remote location, and then translate it.

#**** Script below here *****

#source directory where all data is found and saved
$dir = "c:\users\reese\onedrive\desktop\pull_xml"

#list of urls

$url_file = $dir + "\XML_to_MARC_StatePubs.txt"

#error file -- as IA has a proxy problem
$error_file = $dir + "\error.txt"

#create folders to store downloads and saved file

if (!(test-path "$dir\saved")) {
   New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$dir\saved"

if (!(test-path "$dir\converted")) {
   New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$dir\converted"

# Open the file and then download each url
Get-Content -Path "$url_file" | ForEach-Object
  $line = $_
  try {
    $wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
    $destination = $dir + "\saved\" + $line.SubString($line.LastIndexOf("/")+1) + ".xml"
    $saved = $dir + "\converted\" + $line.Substring($line.LastIndexOf("/")+1) + ".mrc"
    Write-host ($destination)

    $wc.DownLoadFile("$line", "$destination")
    #run the marcedit commmand line.  Current installs should
    #create the environmental variable in this list.  Otherwise, you have to provide the path
    #to the executable
    Start-Process -FilePath "$Env:MARCEDIT_PATH\cmarcedit.exe" -ArgumentList "-s $destination -d $saved -xmlmarc" -Wait

  } catch [System.Net.WebException]{
   if ($_.Exception.InnerException){
     Write-Error $_.Exception.InnerException.Message 
     Out-File -FilePath "$error_file" -InputObject $line -Encoding UTF8 -Append -Force
   } else {
     Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
     Out-File -FilePath "$error_file" -InputObject $line -Encoding UTF8 -Append -Force

#**** End of Script

Adding a Recovery Point

In the Editor, the Tool will now create a recovery point at each save event.  This way, if during a session, you find a file becomes unreadable, you can recover from your previous save.

Using the New Recovery Point Option

New Installers

The tool is using new installers which should make it easier for me to manage the program installations long-term.  I always am nervous though, when I make this kind of change.  The new Installers have the following new start screen:

New MarcEdit 7.2.x Installer

The new installer includes all the same functionality, but also includes the following:

  1. Automatic generation of native images based on machine type
  2. Better clean up on uninstaller
  3. Cleaner updating logic
  4. Native code signing tooling

Users should see improvements with #1 and #2, whereas I should see improvements in my build process with #3 and #4.  There are other benefits — but these are the most important.  I’ve been testing the new installs for almost 2 months, so I’m hopeful I’ve worked out all the kinks.

If you have questions, let me know.




