Happy Christmas and MarcEdit updates

First, it is my sincere hope that everyone had a merry and happy holidays.  As someone that lives a long way from my family, Christmas is a time to spend primarily with my wife and kids.  And this year was extra special, as my oldest returned home for winter break after his first semester away at University. 

In addition to holidaying, I spent some time working on MarcEdit.  Over the holidays, I updated all versions of the application – something I haven’t done in a while, so at this point, all versions are pretty close to having parity.  Of course, it wouldn’t be Christmas without a couple of significant updates – and this year is no different.  While all the updates included a range of small updates and fixes – there were two significant changes that were introduced.  I’m going to document these changes below.

Automatic LCSH Generation

I posted about this work earlier in Dec.  For a deeper discussion, you can read about the process here: https://blog.reeset.net/archives/2848

After having some folks test the program and getting some feedback and making some changes, I updated the program to include the new functionality.  I’ve recorded a short video demonstrating the process.  You can view it here:

Batch Replace All With Lists

In MarcEdit, you have been able to utilize external files to perform replace all tasks.  The current function required you to have separate files, with matching lines for each operation you wished to run.  However, I’ve kept these out of the tasks due to the inherent issues this creates for portability.  I did  some reworking of how this function works (only one file – tab delimited) and integrated it into the tasks (with lists moving into a special location to keep portability).  I’ve recorded a short video demonstrating how this new option works.


Hopefully these two new options will be useful (in addition to the various updates an improvements).  If you run into questions, feel free to let me know.




