Marcedit update

Two bugs in MarcEdit — one simple, one more involved.  The simple one has been fixed and uploaded. 

The easy one to fix — In the deduplication tool, there are occasions when the program will throw an error if access code in the message pump accesses the GUI elements before they are ready. 

More difficult one to fix — when running a macro — the program is mixing the modified data with the original file.  You can push it out by setting variables in the Load and Save File functions — but this annoys me and is a symptom of a larger problem relating to how how file information is set when we consider the Preview functionality in the MarcEditor.  I’m pretty sure this is an easy enough fix — but I want to take a closer look at what’s up.  I might actually wrap a number of common functions in a helper object to make writing macros easier.

Update is found at: MarcEdit50_Setup.exe.  Again — I’ll likely be posting an update over the weekend as well — this is mostly for folks that might need the tool.




