Couple of quick changes.
- Delete Fields — you can delete multiple fields using “xâ€? syntax, where the ‘x’ is no longer case sensitive. For example:
a) 900 — deletes the 900 field
b) 90x — deletes fields 900, 901, 902, 903, etc.
c) 9xX — deletes fields 900, 901, 902, 903…910, 911…920, 921, etc.
Originally, x’s had be be lower case. I’ve modified the code so that this is no longer case sensitive. - Edit Subfield Function: When working with Control fields (00x fields) — MarcEdit use to require data in the Position element. If the position element is empty, the program will do a usual find/replace — including prepending and concating data.
- MarcEdit Preview Function (Bug Fix): If a user loads a MARC file directly into the MarcEditor — the program would lose the temp file — so if you clicked on the link to load the entire file into the MarcEdit, it would get lost. This only occurred when users opened a .mrc (MARC) file directly into the MarcEditor. In all other contexts, the preview link works as documented.
If either of these affect your workflow, you can download the update here: MarcEdit_Setup.msi