I’ve posted a wide ranging update to MarcEdit that includes a number of new features, enhancements and fixes. If there was something that you had requested and I said that I would get to it in the next update and you don’t see it on this list, let me know. I might have added it but not noted it in my update list (or, I dropped the ball, in which case, I’ll make sure it makes the next round). If you have a current version of 5.2, you should be prompted for the updated automatically. If you have an older version of MarcEdit, you can install this version over the top — but it may be easier to simply uninstall the previous version and install the new version of 5.2. Your config settings will be preserved on uninstall. As always — if you run into any problems — give me a holler.
You can download from the following:
· Windows Download: http://oregonstate.edu/~reeset/marcedit/software/development/MarcEdit_Setup.msi
· Linux/Mac download: http://oregonstate.edu/~reeset/marcedit/software/development/marcedit.zip
Bug Fixes:
1) Preview Mode/Paging file pointer loss — I’ve corrected this. You can now turn on preview mode with the new paging again if you would like.
2) Script Wizard — When using conditions — the “=â€? sign was being left out of the generated script for field comparison. That’s been corrected
New Features:
1) Merge Records Tool: The MarcEdit Merge records tool allows users to take two different MARC records sets and merge the contents of one to another. The tool right now only works on two sets of mnemonic records. At the moment, if you have a set of data from a delimited file that you’d like to merge — you will need to run the Tab Delimited Records tool to generate a MARC records file — and then merge the results. I’ve added the following enhancements for this function to my update list: Allow processing of MARC formatted data (data not broken into the mnemonic format) and processing Tab Delimited Data.
2) Mac UI corrections: I spent a lot of time testing and working on a Mac mini this month and in general — the program is now usable. Not perfect…there are still UI issues. But there are few if you use an older version of mono 2.2.5. If you use an newer version of Mono — you have to run Mono through the X11 server. I’ve included the Mac install instructions below if you are interested. As I say — your mileage may vary here.
1. HTML entity conversion — I’ve added html entity conversion to the UTF8 marcedit record conversion algorithm. While HTML entities are *not* valid within MARC data — I’ve heard from a few folks that they are present enough to make it worth my while to add them to the translation table. The translations that will be supported are the most common — the list is below:
o ¡
o £
o ¤
o ¥
o ¦
o ¨
o ª
o «
o ¬
o ­
o ®
o °
o ±
o ³
o ´
o µ
o ·
o ¸
o ¹
o º
o »
o ¼
o ½
o ¾
o ¿
o À
o Á
o Â
o Ã
o Ä
o Å
o Æ
o Ç
o È
o É
o Ê
o Ë
o Ì
o Í
o Î
o Ï
o Ð
o Ñ
o Ò
o Ó
o Ô
o Õ
o Ö
o ×
o Ø
o Ù
o Ú
o Û
o Ü
o Ý
o Þ
o ß
o à
o á
o â
o ã
o ä
o å
o æ
o ç
o è
o é
o ê
o ë
o ì
o í
o î
o ï
o ð
o ñ
o ò
o ó
o ô
o õ
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o ø
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o û
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o ý
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o ÿ
o "
o &
o <
o >
o Œ
o œ
o Š
o š
o Ÿ
o ˆ
o ˜
o ‌
o ‍
o ‎
o ‏
o –
o —
o ‘
o ’
o ‚
o “
o ”
o „
o †
o ‡
o ‰
o ‹
o ›
o €
1. Replace Tool — MarcEditor — MarcEdit will now save the last 10 Find/Replace criteria. This was done to make it easier for folks using Regular Expressions. The program will remember the last 10 so, if you use a regular expression or replacement string often, it should be available to you. I’ve been thinking about allowing folks to simply save grouping that they can then call up at a later date — but not knowing how useful or interested folks might be in something like this — I decided to implement a “liteâ€? version of this to test the waters.
2. Find All Function
- Window is now resizeable
- New button that allows you to go back to your current Find All Query with saved query in textbox.
3. Normalized Naming conventions — MarcEdit menus now all say Preferences rather than the cornucopia of text that may have existed previously.
a) Ensure that the dependencies have been installed
1) Dependency list:
a) Using X11 Server
i) MONO 2.4+ (Runtime plus the System.Windows.Forms library [these are sometimes separate downloads])
ii) Install X11 Server (on the Mac Install Disk)
b) Using Native Carbon Interface
i) Install MONO 2.2.5 (skip version 2.2.6-2.6.1 — A major bug was introduced crashing any program that uses messageboxes)
i) For Yaz Installation:
a) Install X11 Server (on the Mac Install Disk…this is used by Mac Ports — but also can be used in rendering MarcEdit if the native Carbon driver causes problems)
b) Install Xcode Developer Tools (current version).
i) Xcode tools are found at the Apple Developer Connection site (http://developer.apple.com/tools/xcode/) or on your Mac Install Disk. The Xcode tools are required by MacPorts
b) Install MacPorts (http://www.macports.org/) — follow instructions, here: http://www.macports.org/install.php)
i) Make sure that you run the selfupdate on MacPorts (sudo port -d selfupdate)
c) Once MacPorts is installed, install yaz: sudo port install yaz (this will take some time as it will install both your dependencies and yaz to your /opt/local/lib/ directory.
b) Unzip marcedit.zip
c) Navigate to the MarcEdit program directory and run linux_bootloader.exe (example: mono linux_bootloader.exe)
d) Yaz.Sharp.dll.config — You need to map the yaz3.dll file to the correct Mac equivalent version. On a Mac, if you install Yaz through the MacPorts, you would set the dllmap to the following:
i) <dllmap dll="yaz3.dll" target="/opt/local/lib/libyaz.3.dylib" />
e) How do you setup an icon for Mac?
f) On first run:
a) To run with X11 server (often times, this is faster and works a bit better than the native Carbon Driver)
i) cd [marcedit program directory]
ii) MONO_MWF_MAC_FORCE_X11=1 mono MarcEdit.exe
b) To run with Carbon Driver:
i) cd [marcedit program directory]
ii) mono MarcEdit.exe
c) Preferences tab will open, click on Other tab, and set the following two values:
i) Temp Path: /tmp/ (or a defined user folder)
ii) Mono Path: [to your full mono path — generally /usr/bin/mono
Congratulations — MarcEdit 5.2 should now be working on the Mac. There are admittedly still some UI issues that I’ll be working on correcting — but at this point, MarcEdit should be fully functional for Mac Users.
2 responses to “MarcEdit 5.2 Update”
I’ve had a few problems to run on Mac but nothing to worry about it. Thanks for the hard work !
On mac for me work without any problems.