Category: Miscellanous
What I’ve been up to these past many months
For the past 6 years, I’ve volunteered first as a coach and now as the coordinator of the Robotics program at the Grandview Heights Middle School. The program starts every August and usually wraps around the second week of Jan. This year, I’ve been the program coordinator and mentor/coach for 6 teams with almost 50…
2015 OSU Commencement
This weekend, I got to partake in one of my favorite parts of being a faculty member — walking as part of the faculty processional for the 2015 Spring Commencement. For the past two years, I’ve been lucky enough to participate in the Spring Commencement at The Ohio State University — and while the weather can…
Northern California Technical Processing Group odds and ends
This past week, I’ve been out in San Francisco doing some speaking. One of the groups that I spoke to was the Northern California Technical Processing Group. A fantastic group, that included a mix of people currently in libraries, as well as a bunch of bright, young, soon to be minted librarians. So, a really…
If you need to reach me…
So, at some point between now and the end of the month, Oregon State University will be cutting the cord and killing my address. So, if you are someone that contacts me, make sure you use either my gmail address: or my Ohio State address: –TR