Category: OCLC

  • A look at the Policy for Use and Transfer of WorldCat Records revision

    OCLC has posted a revised version of it’s new policy for use and transfer of WorldCat Records.  This is a revision of the short-lived version of this document posted Nov. 2nd and taken down early Nov. 3rd.  Additionally, OCLC has significantly revised the FAQ’s for this document (which is important, since this is what most…

  • What would it look like if OCLC was broken up?

    The other day, I posted what I seen as some very big concerns with OCLC’s revised policy (currently being reconsidered) on the transfer of records (two of which, I would consider deal breakers).  In this post, I made the argument that maybe it was time to consider breaking OCLC up to reflect what it has…

  • OCLC’s proposed new guidelines for the transfer of bibliographic records

    OCLC, today has made available their proposed new policy for the transfer of bibliographic records.  You can read the documents for yourself: Policy (general): Policy Statement (1987): worldcat/records/guidelines/default.htm New proposed policy (2008): FAQ:   I took a sometime this morning to read through the proposed changes as well as the FAQs, and…

  • Reading between the lines

    Like a number of people, I found the following piece ( from the Chronicle of Higher Education on the Open Library fairly interesting — in part, because of the topics that the author chose to highlight.  I tend to categorizes pieces such as this as fluff, in that one rarely gets any content of substance…