Category: Programming
More Google & Privacy concerns
The EFF is warning against using the new Google Desktop application because of a new option allowing users to search for documents across computers. This feature appearently stores copies of your documents on Google servers meaning that they are just one subpena way from being read. And while Google isn’t doing it yet, these documents…
More IE 7 beta thoughts
I was suprised to see that it didn’t take Google long to put a link to the searchlet that can be installed into IE 7. It was about time that they added that feature. Anyway, I’ve been playing around with it for a bit and here’s what I’ve seen so far: Pros: CSS support is…
Develop the library’s OPAC? Maybe not…
First, let me preface this post by noting that these are somewhat random thoughts that I’ve been rolling around in my head for the past couple of weeks…so take them for what they are. Over the past few weeks/months, the library blogshere has been doing quite a bit of chatting on Library 2.0, and ambigous…
Open Source Federated search project
Something we’ve been working on for a little bit is an open source federated search project. I’m sure folks are probably wondering why we would bother considering the wide variety of vendor solutions currently available — but we do have a good reason I think. In a sense, we are looking at building a library…
Well, it looks like we will be using CONTENTdm to handle our EAD records. I was able to augment how CONTENTdm treats our EAD records (via display and indexing) so that it will meet our needs. The good thing is that these records will be indexed on Google/Yahoo very soon now that they are in…
Internet Explorer 7 preview
I figured since I do a bit of web development (though I’ll admit it tends to mostly be backend work), I thought I’d download Microsoft’s new IE 7 preview. For the most part, it looks pretty good. Nothing earth shattering or worth switching from your current browser if your happy with it, but I do…
MARBI Proposal 2006-04
So the following was sent out on the MARC Unicode list: Proposal 2006-04, “Technique for conversion of Unicode to MARC-8,” was approved at the MARBI meeting on January 21 with the following additions and changes.1. It was agreed that a proposal for lossless representation of unmappable characters using numeric character references will be brought to…
Gary Smith (of OCLC’s) response to MARBI Proposal 2006-04, Technique for conversion of Unicode to MARC-8
I was glad to see Gary Smith from OCLC finally post OCLC’s official response regarding the current MARBI proposal regarding the techniques for conversion of Unicode to MARC-8. For those that haven’t see the proposal, the general gist of the document is that the current recommendation is to have non-transformable characters dropped, replaced by a fill character. Personally,…
MarcEdit 5.0 and MARC Proposal #2006-04
At Midwinter this year, MARBI will be discussing MARC Proposal #2006-04. This proposal deals with the mapping of Unicode characters back to the MARC-8 characterset. The proposal lays out a number of options, settling on the recommendation that systems doing character remapping should utilize a placeholder character for Unicode characters not in the MARC8 characterset.…
Code4Lib 2006
Well, I finally registered for the Code4Lib hackfest that will be going on in Corvallis, OR this February. It sounds like much fun. If it sounds like something that might interest you, you should check it out. –Terry