Terry’s Worklog

  • MarcEdit Mid-week update

    Yesterday, I had someone indicate that there was a problem with the Add/Delete Field function.  An update in the last version to allow for deduplication deletions based on subfields tripped other deletions.  This was definitely problematic.  This has been corrected, in addition to a couple other changes. Change log: 6.2.88 Bug Fix: Add/Delete Field: I…

  • MarcEdit Update

    Update was posted Feb. 27 to all versions.  Update Contains the following changes: 6.2.85 Enhancement: Characterset Detection: MarcEdit is including a tool that will provide a heuristical analysis of a file to provide best guess characterset detection. (https://blog.reeset.net/archives/1897) Enhancement: Build New Tool Function: Adding a find macro to the function so that users can now…

  • MarcEdit: Build New Field Enhancement

    I’m wrapping up a few odds and ends prior to releasing the next MarcEdit update — mostly around the linked data work and how the tool works with specific linked data services — but one of the specific changes that should make folks using the Build New Field tool happy is the addition of a…

  • MarcEdit: Thinking about Charactersets and MARC

    The topic of charactersets is likely something most North American catalogers rarely give a second thought to.  Our tools, systems — they all are built around a very anglo-centric world-view that assumes data is primarily structured in MARC21, and recorded in either MARC-8 or UTF8.  However, when you get outside of North America, the question…

  • MarcEdit In-Process Work

    Would this be the super bowl edition? Super-duper update? I don’t know — but I am planning an update. Here’s what I’m hoping to accomplish for this update (2/7/2016): MarcEdit (Windows/Linux) · Z39.50/SRU Enhancement: Enable user defined profiles and schemas within the SRU configuration. Status: Complete · Z39.50/SRU Enhancement: Allow SRU searches to be completed…

  • MarcEdit update Posted

    I’ve posted an update for all versions — changed noted here: Windows/Linux Changelog: http://marcedit.reeset.net/software/update.txt Mac OSX Changelog: http://marcedit.reeset.net/software/mac.txt The significant change was a shift in how the linked data processing works.  I’ve shifted from hard code to a rules file.  You can read about that here: https://blog.reeset.net/archives/1887 If you need to download the file, you…

  • MarcEdit Linked Data–Rules file

    One of the changes in the current MarcEdit update is the introduction of a linked data rules file to help the program understand what data elements should be processed for automatic URL generation, and how that data should be treated.  The Rules file is found in the Configs directory and is called: linked_data_profile.xml   The…

  • MarcEdit Update (all versions)

    This update includes a new tool, changes to the merge tool, and a behavior change in the MARCEngine.  You can see the change log at: Windows/Linux: http://marcedit.reeset.net/software/update.txt Mac OSX: http://marcedit.reeset.net/software/mac.txt You can get the update through MarcEdit’s automated update mechanism or from: http://marcedit.reeset.net/downloads/ –tr

  • MarcEdit and OpenRefine

    There have been a number of workshops and presentations that I’ve seen floating around that talk about ways of using MarcEdit and OpenRefine together when doing record editing.  OpenRefine, for folks that might not be familiar, use to be known as Google Refine, and is a handy tool for working with messy data.  While there…

  • MarcEdit Update (all versions)

    I decided to celebrate my absence from ALA’s Midwinter by doing a little coding.    I’ve uploaded updates for all versions of MarcEdit, though the Mac version has experienced the most significant revisions.  The changes: Windows/Linux ChangeLog: Enhancement: Build New Field: Added processing functions to the pattern language.  For more information — see: https://blog.reeset.net/archives/1853 OSX…

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