Terry’s Worklog
If you need to reach me…
So, at some point between now and the end of the month, Oregon State University will be cutting the cord and killing my terry.reese@oregonstate.edu address. So, if you are someone that contacts me, make sure you use either my gmail address: reeset@gmail.com or my Ohio State address: reese.2179@osu.edu –TR
MarcEdit platform testing
Just a couple of notes. I’ve been spending quite a bit of time as of late testing the current MONO builds against the current MarcEdit codebase. It looks like the latest stable version works just fine with the program, while the 3.0.x branch has a few rendering issues (not sure if they are mine or…
MarcEdit 5.9 Hotfix
Sorry folks — apparently a hotfix Microsoft pushed out caused the setup tool I used to corrupt when working with 64-bit systems. I’ve removed the hotfix and rebuilt both version (32 and 64) of the program and it looks like things are in good shape now. If you tried updating today and had trouble, give…
MarcEdit and Linux/Mac
So, I’ve been having a few more questions asking about how to setup MarcEdit on Linux and a Mac. In general, the program works very well on both platforms, but takes a bit of know-how to get them running. This is primarily due to the Z39.50 components that I link to. On Linux, installation is…
MarcEdit 5.9 update
Here’s the final list of updates that I’ve been working on for this weekend: Enhancement: The MARCEngine will now allow users to embed mnemonics into a UTF8 encoded file and those mnemonics will be expanded into proper UTF8. This means that if you have a UTF8 file, and are working in the MarcEditor, you could…
Thinking about what’s not being measured by the Ithaka S+R Survey
I’d posted some not so random thoughts on the Ohio State Libraries local IT blog. If interested, you can find it here: http://library.osu.edu/blogs/it/thinking-about-whats-not-being-measured-by-the-ithaka-sr-survey/ In a nutshell, I’ve been struck this time around the very old-world view of the library the survey seems to be presenting to faculty. Certainly, the survey has value, but I wonder…
Moving domains
If you are reading this, then the redirections that I’ve temporarily put into place are working. I’m currently in the process of moving all of my content off of the oregonstate.edu domain and onto my new personal domain at: reeset.net. This means everything from my blog: https://blog.reeset.net to MarcEdit: http://marcedit.reeset.net. It’s been a slow process,…
Moving to Ohio
If you haven’t heard by now, I’m leaving Oregon State University. After 13 years at the Oregon State University Libraries, my family and I are pulling up stakes and heading to Columbus, Ohio to take the position of Head, Digital Initiatives at The Ohio State University Libraries. It has been a fantastic 13 years, filled…
MarcEdit – dealing with data in mixed character sets
One of the hard and fast rules that MarcEdit has consistently enforced is that you are not allowed to mix character set streams. What this means — if your data is in UTF8 — MarcEdit will not process mnemonic data. There are some good reasons for this — but best being that mnemonics in MarcEdit…
ALA Midwinter Presentation
I want to thank everyone that took the time to attend my Mid-Winter Presentation. I really appreciated the feedback and the ideas. It’s the days like today, where I get to share some ideas and get to talk to some interesting people, that makes me glad I work in higher education. Anyway — my presentation,…
Got any book recommendations?