Terry’s Worklog
MarcEdit update
So, MarcEdit has been updated. There are now two installers. A 32-bit installer and a 64-bit installer. These are found at: 32-bit Installer: MarcEdit_Setup.msi 64-bit Installer: MarcEdit_Setup64.msi If you have a 64-bit system, I recommend uninstalling MarcEdit and downloading the 64-bit installer. If you don’t, MarcEdit will update itself this time, using the 32-bit installer.…
More fun MarcEdit facts
I was perusing the download logs since I was in the process of rotating them, and found a couple of fun things for Sept.1 — Sept. 16, 2010: Number of unique visitors: 6,000+ Number of ping-backs to the update server: 19,359 Top 10 Geographical Areas for use: * United States * Australia * United Kingdom…
What I did this week
So, with the summer winding down, I decided to take the family for a bit of a vacation — and then took a vacation day on my own with my dad. Here’s a few pictures of the adventures. Travelling with the family Because of my injury this summer, my wife and I have been taking…
Embedded advertising in Ebooks?
I was glancing through slashdot this morning and ran across this article by the wall street journal (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704554104575435243350910792.html) that discusses how advertising, embedded in ebooks, could be in our future. The article looks at some of the trends that point to this being true (patent applications by Amazon, advertising in other media, etc). I realize…
First bike ride of the summer 🙂
With my medical restrictions lifted, I made my first commute of the summer on my bike. And while I’ve ridden that road hundreds of times, it has never looked better. TR
MakeCheckDigit Plugin
I was asked earlier this year if there was a way automatically generate check-digits in MarcEdit. After looking at the problem, I decided to build a quick plug-in that could be used to generate such digits. The plug-in currently supports the Codabar format. The interface is fairly simple: To use, just install the plugin using…
I’m whole again and heading back on the bike 🙂
I visited my doctor today and after a set of x-rays, found that my elbow has successfully healed. Restrictions have been lifted and I plan on celebrating tomorrow by riding the recumbent for the first time in almost 3 months. Today has been a very good day.
The Internet Generation
Maybe it’s because I have two young children, maybe it’s because I honestly think that we don’t do as a good of a job as we think we do serving those so called digital natives…but I have a fascination with the Internet Generation. Recently, I had read John Palfrey’s book Born Digital. The book is…
Living behind the paywall
I wanted to highlight a series of articles currently published on Wired discussing the changing nature of the Web. The articles are entitled: The Web is Dead. Long Live the Internet The Web is Dead? A Debate How the Web Wins Personally, I find these kinds of articles quite fascinating, as I’m constantly struck by…
Unicode Changes in MarcEdit
This change was implemented in June 2010, but I wanted to draw users attention to it, especially since I just commented on this change via the MarcEdit listserv. As many people know, the state of Unicode usage in MARC, well, stinks. While many systems utilize UTF-8 in their records, the UTF-8 notation that is used…
Got any book recommendations?