About Me

If you’ve found this page, you are probably either bored, family or someone with an unhealthy interest in metadata or metadata tools.  That’s alright.  My name is Terry Reese and I am a librarian at The Ohio State University.  Presently, my current title is Head of Digital Initiatives.  So what do I do?  Well, essentially, I work with my colleagues at Ohio State University to build large scale discovery and preservation systems.  This gives me a lot of freedom to do research, write grants and try lots of new things.   Additionally, I do a bit of R&D work for the library community.  I’m the author of a number of programs that, if you worked in a Technical Services department in the library, you probably have heard of and maybe even have used.  Probably the most widely used tool that I have developed is MarcEdit.  This is my baby.  It’s used fairly regularly by about a lot of people all over the world.  Written entirely in C#, it provides librarians with a free MARC editing platform that includes a full suite of XML related tools specific to the library community.

So who am I?  Good question.  If you’d like to learn a bit more about my work, projects, or inquire about speaking or teaching — check out my professional presence at: http://reeset.net


7 responses to “About Me”

  1. David Hamrick Avatar
    David Hamrick


    Just in case no one said thank you today, THANKS! Between MARCedit and my collection of macros, I can just about get my job done in spite of my ILS.

    Have a great day,

    David Hamrick
    Paul Quinn College
    Dallas, Texas

  2. […] hoch. Für das Harvesting benutzen wir MarcEdit . Diese Software ist sozusagen eine One-Man-Show: Terry Reese, Bibliothekar an der Ohio State University, entwickelt sie seit 1999 im Alleingang. Wir […]

  3. Wilder Agudelo Parra Avatar
    Wilder Agudelo Parra

    I just want to express my gratitude to who created such an incredible program (MarcEdit).

    Greetings from Colombia and I wish you much success in your future projects.

  4. superthin Avatar

    I want to say that “Thank you very much!”. I struggled with MARC records which made me cry many times.

    Greetings from superthinlabs dot com Vietnam.

  5. Kasie Inman Avatar
    Kasie Inman

    You are amazing! There is no way to measure the impact you have had within the library community. You literally have made my job easier (and more enjoyable), every day!
    I love the new updates to MarcEdit and the promise of the “watcher” function.
    Is there a way to integrate “generate call numbers” into a task list?

  6. Charles Riley Avatar

    I recently had some success in retrieving cuneiform script over Z39.50, using MarcEdit on a UPenn record. This should serve as proof of concept for other scripts encoded on the Supplementary Multilingual Plane of the Unicode Standard. I plan to do more testing with it soon, maybe using Yezidi which is encoded in Unicode 13.0.

  7. Lucía Leonor Sánchez Quezadas Avatar
    Lucía Leonor Sánchez Quezadas

    Hi. my name is Lucy and i am starting my career as a cataloger and getting into MARC EDIT. what an amazing tool. i would love to learn more about it and how i can relate it to the new AI trends for assigning topics. do you have any ideas?

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