A handful of updates have been posted related to MarcEdit 7.5 since the program cam out of beta. These have been mostly bug fixes and small enhancements. Here’s the full list:
- Bug Fix: OCLC Search – multiple terms would result in an error if ‘OR’ was used with specific search indexes. Fixed: 6/22
- Enhancement: OCLC Search: debugging options added to allow users to see all transaction and messaging information between MarcEdit and the OCLC API. Fixed: 6/22
- Bug Fix: UTF-8 Normalization – Files with one record were being skipped if the only action performed was a save. Normalization only occurred as part of an edit action. Fixed: 6/22
- Enhancement: Added About MarcEdit menu item to the MarcEditor (for easy pull of version information). Fixed: 6/22
- Enhancement: MarcEditor Find All Results Window – first item is now auto selected to facilitate easier keyboard navigation. Fixed: 6/22
- Bug Fix: If UNIMARC is selected in the Wizard on first run, you may get an error if a previous version of MarcEdit has been installed. Fixed: 6/27
- Enhancement: MARCEngine: Program will consume 0x1a characters if placed at the end of the file: Fixed: 6/27
- Enhancement: OCLC Integration – Debugging options added to the Search, Update, Create, and Plugin windows. Fixed: 6/27
- Bug Fix: OCLC Plugin: Corrected an issue some users were experiencing saving changes back to the Connexion database. Fixed: 6/27
- Bug Fix: Installer: changed the MS Access Redistributable to be compliant with both msi and click-once Office installations. Fixed: 6/30
- Bug Fix: Extract/Delete Selected Records: Added record validation to accommodate some additional invalid record types. Fixed: 6/30
- Enhancement: Find All Results Window will now retain sorts when copying, saving, extracting data. Fixed: 6/30
- Enhancement: Moved UTF8 normalization code to new assemby: MarcEdit.Essentials. This will be a new assembly used to consolidate code to make specific operations easier to manage across various MarcEdit platforms/builds. Fixed: 6/30
- Bug Fix: Extract/Delete Selected Records: Search can miss the last record if the file format is missing a trailing blank line. Fixed: 7/5
- Bug Fix: Delimited Text Translator: Changes to the LDR/008 were not being retained. Fixed: 7/6
- Bug Fix: ILS Integration Profile Wizard: Updated the Alma URI for the Chinese datacenter.
- Update: Z39.50 – Yaz components rebuilt and updated to 5.31.0 + required dependencies. Fixed: 7/6
- Update: Z39.50 Resource Browser: Back button added. Fixed: 7/6
The most substantial changes in this list related to the new MarcEdit.Essentials assembly as this will be used to remove some of the Extensions I’ve created in the codebase. These are super handy for individual projects, but as the project has grown, the code in these extensions has become replicated in many places and it’s time time clean this up. The second big change is related to the updated Yaz components. Previous version was 4.x. This represents a significant version change, though, functionally, users shouldn’t see a difference. The change is largely to address a bug found in the 4.x version that has since been fixed. Longer term, I’m looking at removing the yaz library completely from the program and integrating a 100% C# component into MarcEdit. This would simplify a number of dependencies and provide me with some added flexibility and target just the functionality that I actually need in the library.
One response to “MarcEdit Update Round-up”
Dear Mr Reese,
I would like to know about the statistic of MarcEdit users. I found some information in this link: https://blog.reeset.net/archives/2572, but I need some detailed iformation. I heard before about the numbers of users of Windows, Mac, & Linux: ~20,000 Windows users, ~1000 Mac users, & ~150 Linux users. Would you please let me have update and new information about this?
Best regards,