Category: Readex 2006

  • Readex 2006 photos

    So I got a quick email from someone that attended the Readex conference and they let me know that they had posted some pictures onto flickr.  So if you haven’t visited chestire, VT, here you go.   –TR

  • The library without walls

    Updated: Apparently Live writer truncated my links. I’ve fixed them. Terry Reese, Oregon State University Sorry, no picture and yes, I gave a talk at the Readex conference as well.  I thought it was fairly well received given the topic — though I think it surprised folks as well.  Lots of fun though.  Key quotes…

  • Virtual humanities lab and the evolution of online academic communities

    Vika Safrin, Brown University   Vika discussed a project that was very unfamiliar with — apparently, the Virtual Humanities Lab was a two year project supported by the NEH between 04 and 06 to create a platform for collaborative humanities research.  I’d talked with Vika about this project a little bit after her talk.  The…

  • Digital Maps and Digital Map Reference

    Ed Redmond, LC Ed talked about the current digitization program being used in the LC map reading room.  He then looked at some of the research that can now be done because of the items currently digitized. Something interesting — these are research quality scans — which the idea being that once digitized, these items…

  • Finding your niche: leveraging limited resources to build a digital program

    Mary Molinaro, University of Kentucky   Mary Molinaro discussed how the University of Kentucky Libraries is leveraging existing resources and securing new ones to build a digital program and become a leader in film-to-digital conversion.  Mary makes some very important points, the first one being that institutions must change the vocabulary in how we discuss…

  • After AACR2: Content standards for resource description and access

    Matthew Beacom, Yale RDA will be: Multinational content standard providing bibliographic description and access for a variety of media and formats collected by libraries today. Developed for use in English language environment; it can also be used in other language communities. Independence of format (i.e., like MARC21) Will support FRBR tags Enable users of library…

  • National Digital Newspaper program: enhancing access to America’s newspapers

    Helen Aguera, National Endowment for the Humanities Mark Sweeney, Library of CongressNational Digitial Newspaper program:  enhancing access to America’s newspapers  NEH Future directions: NEH will only be making one award per state, looking for collaborative partnerships Projects should Have an advisory board Represent the diversity of the state Will consider “orphan titles” Will cover costs…

  • Opening remarks

    August Imholtz, ReadexKolakowski’s “What the past is for”: a reflection on the irreality of the past and its consequences in the digital world August provided a philosophical discussion of Kolakowski’s lecture, “What the past is for” (  The talk was a discussion of history and the idea that there is no historical truth, only interpreted…

  • Welcome to Chestire, VT — Day one of the Readex Digital Institute

    Ok — so its been a few days since I have last posted on my weblog.  Well, I’ve been traveling.  I actually spent the last week in Vermont at the Readex digital institute.  Using Microsoft’s live writer, I’d been blogging the conference but have waited to upload everything till I returned.  So, the posts will…