Category: MarcEdit

  • MarcEdit 6 Update

    Latest update has been posted.  The following has been fixed: Bug Fix: Delimited Text Translator — The Edit LDR, Load Template, and AutoGenerate buttons were not responding.  This has been corrected. Bug Fix: MARCCompare — when processing data with improperly formatted mnemonic data, the program doesn’t correctly trap the generated formatting error. Bug Fix: Edit…

  • MarcEdit 6: Reintroduction of MARCCompare/RobertCompare

    What is MARCCompare/RobertCompare? Very rarely do I create programs for individuals to meet very specific user needs.  I’ve always taken the approach with MarcEdit that tools should be generalizable, and not tied to a specific individual or project.  RobertCompare was different.  The tool was created to support Mr.Robert (Bob) Ellett’s (ALA Tribute, Link to Dissertation…

  • MarcEdit 6 – Changes to the Material Type Report

    One of the changes that will be present in MarcEdit 6 is an expansion of the Material Types Report.  Currently, the program provides an option to allow users to generate a report detailing the type of record as designated by the LDR and 008.  This allows users to get a quick snapshot of how the…

  • MarcEdit 6 Status Update

    Thought I’d give the folks that are interested an idea of where I am with the MarcEdit update.  In terms of new features, that is pretty much set at this point.  I have one feature request regarding conditional field editing by field position that I’m still mulling over, but otherwise, I’m pretty much finished.  The…

  • Preparing for MarcEdit 6.0

    This summer, I have been spending a lot of my free development preparing MarcEdit to make the transition from 5.9 to 6.0.  This will be a big update, and at the same time, and update that I’m not sure folks will necessarily see many of the changes.  But maybe that will be a good thing,…

  • Regular Expression Recursive Replacement in MarcEdit

    One of the new functions in MarcEdit is the inclusion of a Field Edit Data function.  For the most part, batch edits on field data has been handled primarily via regular expressions using the traditional replace function.  For example, if I had the following field: =999  \\$zdata1$ydata2 And I wanted to swap the subfield order,…

  • MarcEdit 5.9 Update, part II

    After posting the update last night, a user noted that the Delimited Text Translators 008 generation utilized some older defaults that were causing some validation issues.  So, I’ve posted a limited update to correct this specific problem. If you have automatic updating turned on, MarcEdit will prompt you automatically.  Otherwise, you can download from: 32-bit:…

  • MarcEdit 5.9 Update

    New MarcEdit has been posted.  Here’s the notes: RDA Helper: Enhancement — Added option to determine if the 040$e is added, in accordance with the PCC Hybrid records documentation. RDA Helper: Enhancement — Updated the GMD generation to take into account additional field data in an attempt to account for accompanying data (rather than alternative…

  • MarcEdit 5.9 Update – the birthday edition

    I’m happy to report that I finally completed work on the latest MarcEdit update.  This change provides updates specifically to the RDA Helper and MarcEdit’s implementation/interaction with the OCLC WorldCat Metadata API.  The full list of changes can be found below.  RDA Helper: Modified the way that the 260/264 conversion occurs, to bring it more…

  • MarcEdit 5.9 – OCLC Integration: Working with Local Bibliographic Data Records

    Since OCLC made their Metadata APIs available, I’ve spent a good deal of time putting them through their paces and looking for use cases that these particular API might solve, and if/how MarcEdit might be an appropriate platform to take advantage of some of this new functionality.  Looking over the new Metadata API, it’s pretty…