Search results for: “validate headings”

  • Heads Up: MarcEdit Linked Data Components Update (all versions) scheduled for this evening

    A heads up to those folks using MarcEdit and using the following components: Validate Headings Build Links Command-Line tool using the build links option These components rely on MarcEdit’s linked data framework to retrieve semantic data from a wide range of vocabulary services.  I’ll be updating one of these components in order to improve the…

  • MarcEdit Mac Update ChangeLog

    I’ve been working hard over the last month an a half trying to complete the process of porting functionality into the OSX version of MarcEdit.  I’ve completed the vast majority of this work, in addition to bringing in a number of other changes.  These changes will be made available as part of the 1/3/2016 update. …

  • MarcEdit 6.2 Windows/Linux ChangeLog

    Over the past month, I’ve been working hard to make a few MarcEdit Changes.  These changes will be released on 1/3/2016.  This update will include a version number change to 6.2.  This update will have the following changes: Bug Fix: RDA Helper — 260/264 changes were sometimes not happening when running across specific 260$c formatting.…

  • MarcEdit Mac Updates

    I’ve posted a new MarcEdit update.  You can get the builds directly from: or using the automated update tool within MarcEdit.  Direct links: 32-bit: 64-bit: Linux/other: OSX: The change log follows: –tr *********************************************************************************************** MarcEdit Mac ChangeLog: 11/8/2015 MarcEdit Applications Changes:* Build New Field Tool Added ** Added Build New Field…

  • MarcEdit 6.1 (Windows/Linux)/MarcEdit Mac (1.1.25) Update

    So, this update is a bit of a biggie.  If you are a Mac user, the program officially moves out of the Preview and into release.  If you are a Mac user, this version brings the following changes: **************************** ** 1.1.25 ChangeLog **************************** Bug Fix: MarcEditor — changes may not be retained after save if…

  • MarcEdit Mac–Release Version 1 Notes

    This has been a long-time coming — making up countless hours and the generosity of a great number of people to test and provide feedback (not to mention the folks that crowd sourced the purchase of a Mac) — but MarcEdit’s Mac version is coming out of Preview and will be made available for download…

  • MarcEdit Update: Windows/Linux

    The past 3 weeks, I’ve been doing a lot of work on MarcEdit.  These initial changes impact just the windows and linux version of MarcEdit.  I’ll be taking some time tomorrow and Wed. to update the Mac version.  The current changes are as follows: 6.2.190* Enhancement: Language files have been updated* Enhancement: Command-line tool: -task…

  • MarcEdit 6 Update

    Changes in this update: 6.1.21 * 6.1.21 ** Bug Fix: Conditional Delete – When selecting regular expressions — there were times when the process wasn’t being recognized. ** Enhancement: Conditional Delete – This function use to only work when using the Regular Expression option. This now works for all options. ** Bug Fix: ValidateISBNs -…

  • MarcEdit 6 Update

    A new version of MarcEdit has been made available.  The update includes the following changes: Bug Fix: Export Tab Delimited Records: When working with control data, if a position is requested that doesn’t exist, the process crashes.  This behavior has been changed so that a missing position results in a blank delimited field (as is…

  • MarcEdit 6 Update is available

    After spending the last 3 months of work — I’ve posted the latest and greatest version of MarcEdit; MarcEdit 6.0.  This represents a significant change on a number of fronts — first and foremost, a lot of code has been reformatted to provide better support for non-Windows systems.  For the first time, a MarcEdit packaged…