Terry’s Worklog

  • MarcEdit 7: Continued Task Refinements

    Now that MarcEdit 7 is available for alpha testers, I’ve been getting back some feedback on the new task processing.  Some of this feedback relates to a couple of errors showing up in tasks that request user interaction…other feedback is related to the tasks themselves and continued performance improvements. In this implementation, one of the…

  • MarcEdit 7 Downloads Page is live

    I’ve made the MarcEdit 7 Alpha/Beta downloads page live.  Please remember, this is not finished software.  Things will break — but if you are interested in testing and providing feedback as I work towards the Production Release in Nov. 2017, please see: http://marcedit.reeset.net/marcedit-7-alphabeta-downloads-page. –tr

  • ASIS&T Midwest Regional Panel

    I had the opportunity to speak on a panel with a group of fantastic library people.  Here’s the panel description: https://www.asist.org/evolving-landscapes-in-academic-and-public-libraries/ I believe that all the presentation slides will be available soon from the site, but I’ve posted mine to slideshare at: https://www.slideshare.net/reese_terry/rejoining-the-information-access-landscape –tr

  • MarcEdit 7: Harvest OAI UI changes

    In evaluating the UI in the MarcEditor, the UI for the OAI Harvester seemed to be a little crowded to me.  So, I’m breaking it up a bit.  As of right now, the new updated UI will be the following: tr

  • MarcEdit 7: Add/Delete Field Changes

    I’m starting to think about the global editing functions in the MarcEditor — and one of the first things I’m trying to do is start to flesh out a few confusing options related to the interface.  This is the first update in thinking about these kinds of changes – The idea here is to make…

  • MarcEdit 7: Startup Wizard

    One of the aspects of MarcEdit that I’ve been trying to think a lot about over the past year, is how to make it easier for users to know which configuration settings are important, and which ones are not.  This is the problem of writing a library metadata application that is MARC agnostic.  There are…

  • MarcEdit 7: Super charging Task Processing

    One of the components getting a significant overhaul in MarcEdit 7 is how the application processes tasks.  This work started in MarcEdit 6.3.x, when I introduced a new —experimental bit when processing tasks from the command-line.  This bit shifted task processing from within the MarcEdit application to directly against the libraries where the underlying functions…

  • MarcEdit 7 release schedule planning

    I’m going to put this here to help folks that need to work with IT depts when putting new software on their machines.  At this point, with the new features, the updates related to the .NET language changes, the filtering of old XP code and the updated performance code, and new installer — this will…

  • MarcEdit 7 alpha: Introducing Clustering tools

    Folks sometimes ask me how I decide what kinds of new tools and functions to add to MarcEdit.  When I was an active cataloger/metadata librarian, the answer was easy — I added tools and functions that helped me do my work.  As my work has transitioned to more and more non-MARC/integrations work; I still add…

  • MarcEdit 6.3 Updates (all versions)

    I spent sometime this week working on a few updates for MarcEdit 6.3.  Full change log below (for all versions). Windows/Linux/MacOS: * Bug Fix: MarcEditor: When processing data with right to left characters, the embedded markers were getting flagged by the validator. * Bug Fix: MarcEditor: When processing data with right to left characters, I’ve…

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